共為你找到:200筆black as chocolate 相關企業資訊
您好: 這裡是BLACK AS CHOCOLATE 是黃湘怡小姐代言的巧克力蛋糕店 我們的產品從研發製造到銷售 都是我們用心的創意 我們有八家門市為您服務 這是一個溫暖的大家庭 歡迎你加入我們的行列
是什麼賦予黑色全新巧克力的意念? 又是什麼為巧克力注入嶄新的黑色生命? 象徵著最尊貴奢華的色彩; 代表了最頂級高尚的甜品原料, 他們各自為本身的獨特展現出最完美的詮釋。 無論是黑,或是巧克力, 在這裡只有絕對的愛戀。 不同於其他的色彩和食物, 他們化高尚為永恆, 更捍衛了尊爵的冠冕。 人們有時感到畏懼, 因著巧克力那份純粹直達內心深處的強烈衝擊; 有時,人們害怕黑,因他是如此絕對, 赤裸裸地馳騁在神祕而未知的世界。 但他卻是我們尋求的那份愛戀滋味, 也是我們失落時的慰藉。 那將是最真實的感官饗宴, 如此唯一而純粹的滋味, 是我們最深的依歸。 所以我們歌頌他的精神, 讚揚他超脫一切、 跨越時空的美好勝利。 如同經典電影般吸引你 陷入無止盡的追求與渴望… 更如同黑白相片般, 跳脫了顏色的限制, 卻依舊醒目而充滿生命力。 BLACK AS CHOCOLATE帶你回到黑最原始的起點, 在那裡,巧克力不需要任何的華麗包裝; 在那裡,最珍貴的,唯有他的純粹, 和那份最極致的美好。 我們引以為傲地為各位帶來 BLACK AS CHOCOLATE!!
AS HOUSE服飾店 專營時尚男裝,飾品,配件,鞋類販售 全省目前有2間門市,持續擴點中 歡迎對服飾銷售經營有興趣的你一起加入
Black Box 於96年創立,主要營業型態為外帶式茶飲,獲廣大消費者的信賴,我們不斷地精益求精提供優質的商品與貼心的服務,在這裏,統一秉持著永續經營,顧客至上,品質永不妥協,為時代流行趨勢同步,迎合大眾口味,平價消費,親切的服務態度是我們的理念,堅持好的品質是我們的要求。 進入black box 讓我們成為好夥伴 ~ 感覺就如同一家人~ 歡迎加入我們的大家庭。
DNV Energy is a leading professional service provider in safeguarding and improving business performance, assisting energy companies along the entire value chain from concept selection through exploration, production, transportation, refining and distribution. We have a firm base in DNV’s strong technological competencies, international experience and unique independence as a foundation. Our main service areas include asset risk management; qualification and verification, which are extensively utilized in both onshore and offshore oil gas sectors. Energy Taiwan is seeking to grow by at least 20% in terms of revenue and manning for next year, and have ambitious plan for the next 5 years.
Keller Kalmach 成立於1878年,至今已有130年歷史,為一穩健經營之企業;德國總部位於慕尼黑,為德國主要五金、扣件、手工具批發通路商之一;近年來,公司集團成績顯著,總銷售額達1,9億歐元,庫存品項五萬件,集團全球員工數量515名;集團位於德國當地有十二個行銷據點,此外東西歐地區八個分公司,客戶數達兩萬。 Keller Kalmbach was founded in Munich in 1878 as a wholesaler of screws and black-smiths supplies. Today, KK is one of Germanys leading wholesale dealers in con-nector and fastener technology, custom parts, tools, power tools, and other assembly items, for trades and industry. In recent years, Keller Kalmbach has developed more and more into a logistical service provider for industry, and holds a leading position in this market. The total group achieves sales of over 190 million Euros with over 50,000 items in stock, and employs a staff of about 500. The almost twenty thousand customers are serviced from the head offices, or from one of the eleven sales agencies throughout the country.
這裡是黑盒股份有限公司, 為美國 Black Box Corporation在台分公司. 美國Black Box總公司營業形態為Networking Infrastructure Products, Call Center Services, and Installation Service; 其營運規模已擴及全球且在業界具領先地位;目前於全球41個國家服務超過75,000 個客戶. 目前我們計畫在台灣擴充國內銷售業務, 招募更多工作伙伴. Black Box 在美國為 NASDAQ 上市公司 (SYMBOL: BBOX); 已有25年歷史, 為全球機房建置領導廠商 ,在全球各國都有銷售分公司, 提供全方位通訊 ,語音及基礎網路設計, 建置與維護.
Our company is a manufacturer for produced the Aluminum and stainless steel propellers for sales in the wordwide have 30 years old. As a well-known company in these fairs. we had own’s brand for sales in the word.
San Yih is a company expert manufacture and export various fans.Types as follow,
We have our offices both in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and Dongguang, China to keep closer eyes and act as your representative from sourcing, developing, ordering, quality controlling to shipping. With over 20 years experience in furniture and related industry, we can assist you to evaluate factories and suggest you the most suitable and reliable ones for you to develop any OEM projects, placing orders, inspection, and shipping..etc. We follow up on the whole process for you to make your procurement in Taiwan and China more efficient and easier! Nevertheless, the services scope can be tailored as per your needs, we also welcome our clients to communicate with the manufacturers directly.
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